Research Article

Physical Performance in Older Cohorts: A Comparison of 81-Year-Old Swedish Men and Women Born Twelve Years Apart—Results from the Swedish Study “Good Aging in Skåne”

Table 1

Description of the 81-year-old men in the birth cohorts 1920–22 and 1932–34 from the Good Aging in Skåne general population study.

81-year-old menCohort born 1920–22, n = 88Cohort born 1932–34, n = 142 value

Year of examination2001–20042013–2015
Age (y), mean (SD)81.1 (0.28)81.0 (0.49)0.264
Height (cm), mean (SD)172.9 (6.8)173.3 (5.5)0.665
Weight (kg), mean (SD)80.6 (10.9)81.5 (11.4)0.587
 Normal/underweight, n (%)27 (30.7)44 (31.0
 Overweight, n (%)41 (46.6)68 (47.9)0.958
 Obese, n (%)20 (22.7)30 (21.1)
Marital status
 Married/cohabiting, n (%)63 (71.6)106 (74.6)
 Single/widowed/divorced, n (%)25 (28.4)36 (25.4)0.610
 Elementary school, n (%)49 (55.7)66 (46.5)
 Secondary school/university, n (%)39 (44.3)76 (53.5)0.175
Type of residential area
 Rural, n (%)7 (8.0)24 (16.9)
 Urban, n (%)81 (92.0)118 (83.1)0.053
Smoking habits
 Current smoker, n (%)6 (6.8)7 (4.9)
 Former smoker, n (%)52 (59.1)76 (53.5)0.490
 Never smoked, n (%)30 (34.1)59 (41.5)
Alcohol consumption
 Never/at most once per month, n (%)57 (64.8)68 (47.9)
 2–4 times per month, n (%)16 (18.2)32 (22.3)0.034
 2-3 times per week, n (%)15 (17.0)42 (29.6)
Physical activity past year
 Mostly sedentary, n (%)19 (21.6)31 (21.8)
 Light activity, n (%)49 (55.7)73 (51.4)0.764
 Strenuous activity, n (%)20 (22.7)38 (26.8)
 Back/pelvis, n (%)17 (21.5)37 (26.1)0.452
 Lower extremities, n (%)18 (22.8)31 (21.8)0.870
 Upper extremities, n (%)17 (21.5)37 (26.5)0.452
 Pulmonary disease: tuberculosis/asthma/COPD, n (%)10 (11.4)24 (16.9)0.250
 Heart disease: infarction/angina/heart failure, n (%)48 (54.5)74 (52.1)0.719
 Stroke: infarction/hemorrhage, n (%)6 (6.8)15 (10.6)0.338
 Fractures: vertebrae/pelvis/lower extremities, n (%)
 Upper extremities, n (%)
3 (3.4)
12 (13.6)
12 (8.5)
21 (14.8)
 Osteoarthritis: back/knee/hip, n (%)25 (28.4)47 (33.1)0.456
 Parkinson’s disease, n (%)1 (1.1)3 (2.1)1.00
 Diabetes, n (%)5 (5.7)24 (16.9)0.013
 Depressive mood, n (%)6 (7.1)1 (0.8)0.015
 MMSE score < 24, n (%)9 (10.5)19 (14.1)0.432
 Anemia, n (%)13 (15.5)21 (15.0)0.923
 Use of sedatives, n (%)16 (18.2)29 (20.4)0.667
 Polypharmacy, ≥5 prescribed medications, n (%)39 (44.3)75 (52.8)0.210