Research Article

Analyzing the Influence of Neighborhood Development Pattern on Modal Choice

Table 3

The nonwork modal choice (all three suburbs).

Variable name, alternativeCoefficients-statistics

Alternative specific constants (ASCs)
 Public transport (C5)
 Taxi/van/school taxi (C4)
 Walking (C2)
 Others (C1)
Alternative specific attributes (ASAs)
 Travel time (min)
Observation specific attributes (OSAs)
 Age over 65 years, C5
 Female, C4
 Person living alone, C2, C4
 Number of vehicles, C4
 Number of residents, C5
 Number of workers, C4
 Number of workers, C5
 Person living alone, C1
 Perceived distance to shopping complex (km), C1, C2
 Perceived distance to school (km), C4
 Average floor area (squared meter), C5
 Perceived distance to workplace (km), C2
 Not working, retired, or worked at home, C5

= 918.683; degree of freedom = 28; number of iterations completed = 10; adjusted = 0.27.