Research Article

Dealing with the Empty Vehicle Movements in Personal Rapid Transit System with Batteries Constraints in a Dynamic Context

Algorithm 2

Simulation of the PRT System.
(1) Variables:
 (i) WV // List of empty waiting vehicles
 (ii) WP // List of waiting passengers
 (iii) // Time limit of the simulation
 (vi) // Time variable
(2) while    do
(3)  if (receive new passengers, request (Time )) OR (new vehicles become idle at a station (Time )) then
(4)   Add new passengers to WP.
(5)   Apply the chosen strategy taking into account WV and WP.
(6)   Dispatch vehicles according to the decisions dictated by the strategy.
(7)   Update WV and WP.
(8)   if Empty vehicle arrives at requested station then
(9)    Vehicle drops off passengers.
(10)   Update WV and WP.
(11)  end if
(12)  if Vehicle with passengers arrives at its destination station then
(13)   Vehicle drops off passengers.
(14)   Update WV.
(15)  end if
(16)  if Vehicle needs to recharge its battery then
(17)   Send vehicle back to the depot.
(18)   Update WV.
(19)  end if
(20) end if
(21)  ;
(22) end while
(23) Return statistics of the system