Research Article

An Eco-Driving Advisory System for Continuous Signalized Intersections by Vehicular Ad Hoc Network

Algorithm 1

MTM eco-driving suggested speed ().
Input: ,     number of intersections
   ,     number of cycles
   ;     RSU array (, , (ew), , )
Output: ,    suggested speed for passing intersections:
finding out min, max speed for passing through th intersection at th cycle
   for (; ; ++)      iterate intersections
   for (; ; ++)      iterate cycles, means current cycle
    if ()    current signal is green
      = /();
     else     current signal is red
      = /();
 // calculate the suggested speed for each intersection
  for (; ; ++) iterate intersections
   MaxSR;       initialize suggested speed
   for (; ; ++)    iterate cycles to get max legal speed
    if (( continue;      no solution
    if ( else ;
    if (MaxSR < MaxSR[] ; choose the fastest