Research Article

Estimation of Urban Link Travel Time Distribution Using Markov Chains and Bayesian Approaches

Table 1

Gibbs sampling algorithm for a K component GMM combining with BIC.

Input: N particles (i.e. ) with large weights selected by sampling strategy, K
Output: parameters ,

Step 1. Initialization
 Determine hyperparameters:
 Set iteration
 Set , draw

Step 2. Gibbs sampling
 For r = 1 to R
  Update the mixing coefficients :
  Draw , where, is the effective
  number of particles assigned to component K, and can be calculated by
  For k = 1 to K
   Update the variance :
   Draw , where
   Update the mean :
   Draw , where
  End for
 End for

Step 3. BIC calculation
 Calculate the BIC for a K component GMM using Eq. (19)

Note: we first execute the sampling with increasing number of components from to .