Research Article

Acceptance of Driverless Vehicles: Results from a Large Cross-National Questionnaire Study

Table 3

Means (M) and Spearman rank-order correlations (ρ) between sociodemographic characteristics and the general acceptance score (GAC) for the whole sample, for respondents within countries, and for the whole sample after partialling out the time to complete survey and whether respondents found instructions clear (N = 7,755).

ItemM with GAC (whole sample) with GAC (within country) with GAC (survey time & instructions clear partialled out)

Survey time ranking

Survey start time0.050.020.05

Survey end time0.050.020.05

Q2. The definitions given in the instructions are clear to me5.360.220.26

Q3. What is your gender?
1 (female), 2 (male)

Q4. Year of birth (converted to age) (open question)32.490.020.08−0.02

Q7. Which of the following possibilities describe your current residential situation the most?
1 (Outside city in house in countryside) to 4 (In apartment in immediate city centre)

Q8. Number of people in household between 14 and 17 years (open question)

Q8. Number of people in household between 6 and 13 years (open question)0.360.040.020.04

Q8. Number of people in household younger than 6 years (open question)0.350.040.020.04

Q8. Number of people older than 18 years old (open question)2.670.090.010.08

Q9. Distance between home and workplace, training post or school (in miles) (open question)9.430.070.060.08

Q12. Net monthly household income
1 (<$ 1,000) to 6 (>$ 5,000)

Q13. Having valid driver license
1 (No), 2 (Yes)

Q15. Number of vehicles in household
1 (0), 2 (1), 3 (2), 4 (3), 5 (>3)

Q16. Difficulty of finding parking space
1 (Not at all difficult) to 4 (Very difficult)

Q17. Annual driving mileage as driver or passenger (in miles) (open question)8,190−0.000.07−0.04

Q18. Involvement in accidents in last three years
1 (0), 2 (1), 3 (2), 4 (3), 5 (4), 6 (5), 7 (>5)

Q19. Having monthly pass or annual travel card for public transport
1 (No), 2 (Yes)

Q20. Distance between home and nearest public transport stop (in min.)
1 (<5 min.), 2 (5–10 min.), 3 (10–20 min.), 4 (20–30 min.), 5 (>30 min.)

Q21. Number of carsharing memberships
1 (0), 2 (1), 3 (2), 4 (>2)

Q22. Frequency of walking more than 500 meters per trip
1 (Never or almost never) to 5 (Daily or almost daily)

Q23. Frequency of cycling
1 (Never or almost never) to 5 (Daily or almost daily)

Q24. Frequency of using moped or motorcycle as driver
1 (Never or almost never) to 5 (Daily or almost daily)

Q25. Frequency of using conventional vehicle as driver or passenger
1 (Never or almost never) to 5 (Daily or almost daily)

Q26. Frequency of using light transit (<100 km per one way)
1 (Never or almost never) to 5 (Daily or almost daily)

Q27. Frequency of using public transport (>100 km per one way)
1 (Never or almost never) to 5 (Daily or almost daily)

Q71. Severity of motion sickness
1 (I do not experience motion sickness), 2 (Moderate), 3 (Severe)

Note. For a sample size of 7,755, correlations of 0.03 and higher, or −0.03 and lower, are statistically significantly different from zero, .