Research Article

Capacity Impacts and Optimal Geometry of Automated Cars’ Surface Parking Facilities

Table 3

Percentage difference in parking capacity between two human parking space dimensions (“small” and “large”) and dimensions required for the four AV maneuvers (“front-in,” “reverse-in,” “toing/froing,” and “translation”). Values in each cell represent percentage differences for rectangles with having the same area as square facilities with sides of 250′ × 250′ (62,500 sq. ft.), 500′ × 500′ (250,000 sq. ft.), and 1000′ × 1000′ (1,000,000 sq. ft.).

Human “small”Human “large”

AV “front-in”+29.6%, +10.0%, +9.7%+31.3%, +13.6%, +14.2%
AV “reverse-in”+50.0%, +34.2%, +27.5%+52.0%, +38.6%, +32.7%
AV “toing/froing”+57.2%, +40.3%, +36.4%+59.3%, +44.8%, +41.9%
AV “translation”+71.1%, +46.3%, +42.3%+73.3%, +51.1%, +48.1%