Research Article

Effects of Users’ Bounded Rationality on a Traffic Network Performance: A Simulation Study

Algorithm 1

Dynamic implementation algorithm of the satisficing model.
Input the (if they are set exogenously).
Input the network, demand scenario and simulation duration .
Calculate the route choice set for each od pair.
Perform an initial network loading.
Set and . Initialize , , , and .
Set the MSA stopping criterion tol.
while    or    or    do
   Set .
   If set endogenously, update the based on Eq. (2) or Eq. (3).
   Perform error samplings at the link level, based on and .
   for  =1 to   do
      Compute the route utilities.
      Determine the satisficing routes and update .
      Based on the defined search order, perform an all-or-nothing assignment. If the search order
      is the indifferent preferences, repeat times the all-or-nothing assignment, for the BR-SUE case.
      If , all users are assigned to the minimum utility route.
   Update the new route flows , based on an averaging of the users choices
   over all error samples.
   Update the route flows according to Eq. (6).
   Run the LWR mesoscopic simulator [21].
   Based on the link travel times, fit a gamma distribution to update and .
   Calculate the Gap (Eq. (9)) and the number of violations .
   Update .
   Set .
Save the route flows: .