Review Article

Panic, Irrationality, and Herding: Three Ambiguous Terms in Crowd Dynamics Research

Table 3

Reduced comments on the term herding and their frequency among the original quotes.

No.CommentFrq.DisciplineStudy type
Soc.Phys.Bio.Mod.Emp. Test.Conc.

1Herding is a feature of panic behaviour10172731
2Herding is common evacuation behaviour10172730
3Herding is not common evacuation behaviour3111030
4Herding is common modeling assumption6060510
5Pure herding is not an accurate modeling assumption1010010
6Producing herding effects is a common criterion for verifying simulation models1010100
7Herding can be beneficial to evacuation efficiency1010100
8The effect of herding on evacuation efficiency is unclear3030120
9Herding is detrimental to evacuation efficiency5041410
10Mixture of herding and individualistic behavior is beneficial to evacuations1001010
11Stress increases herding tendency3030120
12Stress does not increase imitation tendency1011010
13Herding tendency is moderated by stress level1010010
14Herding tendency is moderated by the crowdedness level3030030
15Herding tendency is moderated by the level of uncertainty8071440
16Herding results from following neighbours1010010
17Herding is not the same as imitation2110020
18Herding means imitating/following others/majority150123960
19Herding is observable in movement initiation1010010
20Imbalanced use of exits is evidence for herding11074560
21Herding theory in evacuation has been influenced by animal models of behaviour7016160
22Herding tendency should be considered in conjunction with individual differences2020020
23Herding theory is in need of empirical testing1001010

“Frq.” indicates frequency.
“Soc.”, “Phys.”, and “Bio.”, respectively, indicate social sciences, physical sciences, and biological sciences.
“Mod.”, “Emp. Test.”, and “Conc.”, respectively, indicate modelling, empirical testing, and conceptualisation.