Research Article

Road Traffic Safety Risk Estimation Method Based on Vehicle Onboard Diagnostic Data

Algorithm 1

Level threshold optimization algorithm (“⟵” represents value assignment).
(1)int r ⟵ k-means number of clusters
(2)For int t = 1 to r − 1
(3) int at ⟵ Safety entropy value of the center of the tth cluster
(4) int bt ⟵ Safety entropy value of the center of the (t + 1)th cluster
(5) int st ⟵ Sum of the data in the tth and (t + 1)th clusters
(6) int f = 1
(7) For float etf = at to bt
(8)  int ctf ⟵ Volume of data in the tth cluster that is misclassified
(9)  int dtf ⟵ Volume of data in the (t + 1)th cluster that is misclassified
(10)   = 1 − ((ctf + dtf)/st)//Calculation of accuracy
(11)  etf = etf + 0.01
(12)  Bt (f, 1: 2) = [etf, ]//The threshold and accuracy are stored in the matrix Bt
(13)    f = f + 1
(14)  End for
(15)  Ct ⟵ Generation of the threshold corresponding to the highest accuracy
(16) End for
(17)C = [C1, C2, …, Cr 1]//A number of thresholds (r − 1) is successively stored in the vector C