Research Article

Time-Dependent Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Path Flexibility

Table 1

Relevant notations.


Road network graph
Distribution center that EVs depart from
Distribution center that EVs return to
Set of customer nodes
Set of charging stations
Set of locations, i.e.,
Set of arcs connecting any two locations,
Set of paths connecting arc
A path in the set
Number of vehicles
Battery capacity of a vehicle
Maximum load of a vehicle
Maximum volume of a vehicle
Time window of customer node
The time when the vehicle arrives at
Service time of customer node
A big enough travel time
The demand weight of customer node
The demand volume of customer node
The remaining battery electricity at node
The remaining weight of cargoes at node
The weight of cargoes when the vehicle departs from the distribution center
The remaining volume of cargoes at node
The volume of cargoes when the vehicle departs from the distribution center
Number of time periods with constant speed
The charging rate
Distance of path
Travel speed in time period r on path
Travel time on path in time period r
The total travel time from node on path
Energy consumption from node on path in time period r
Energy consumption from node on path
Energy consumption on the arc in time period r