Research Article

A Short-Turn Dispatching Strategy to Improve the Reliability of Bus Operation

Table 1



NBus index, n ∈ ∀N+, n ≠ 1
IStation number, i ∈ (1, 2, 3, …, s)
JInterstation index, j ∈ 1, 2, 3, …, s − 1
Passenger arrival rate at station i in time period m
MNumber of periods between to buses
The time it takes for each passenger to get on/off the bus
Dwell time of bus n at station i
Boarding number of bus n at the station i
The average speed of bus n travel at station interval j
The distance of the station intervals j
Travel time of bus n at station intervals j
The departure time of bus n at station k
A constant for the other time loss required at each station
Headway of bus n and bus n-1 at station i (the difference between the departure time of the two buses at the station i) ()
UStation set of short-turn vehicles operating
QShort-turn bus between full-length buses n − 1 and n
The number of passengers who board at station a and get off at station b,