Research Article

A Multimodal Passenger-and-Package Sharing Network for Urban Logistics

Algorithm 1

Crossover operation.
I1 ⟵ First parent; I2 ⟵ Second parent
Np ⟵ Number of potential hub locations
i ⟵ 0; j ⟵ Np + 1;
while i < j
for k ⟵ (i + 1) to (j − 1)
  if I1(k) = 1 and I2(k) = 0
   i ⟵ k; break
  end if
  i ⟵ Np
end for
for k ⟵ (j − 1) to (i + 1)
  if I1(k) = 0 and I2(k) = 1
   j ⟵ k; break
  end if
  j ⟵ 0
end for
if i < j
  Exchange (I1(i), I2(i)) and (I1(j), I2(j)) with probability Pc
end if
end while