Research Article

Effect of Warning System on Interactive Driving Behavior at Unsignalized Intersection under Fog Conditions: A Study Based on Multiuser Driving Simulation

Table 1

Interpretation of variables.

StageDefinitions of behavioral measuresNotation

Approaching stageDifference of two vehicles’ distance at the end point of the approaching stageDD
Difference of two vehicles’ speed at the end point of the approaching stageSD
Difference of two vehicles’ TTC at the end point of the approaching stageTD
Speed at the end point of the approaching stageIS

Decision stageTravel time in the decision stageDT
Initial decision at the action pointID
Distance between the action point and intersectionAPD
Time to the intersection at the action pointAPT

Adjustment stageAverage acceleration (deceleration) rate of the initial action.AA
Duration time of the initial actionAT
The lowest speed of the entire adjustment stageLS
Finial speed at the end point of the adjustment stageFS
Postencroachment time at the end point of the adjustment stagePET
Collision or notCON