Research Article

Effects of Human Factors on Public Use of Standing-Type Personal Mobility Vehicle

Table 3

Features of each section.

SectionDistance (approx.)Pedestrian densityFeatures

A1.1 kmLowestAsphalt road and a wide course
Eleven bump spots at road crossings

B0.8 kmLower than areas C and E and comparable with area DNo bump spots and a wide course
Surface paved with stones and asphalt

C0.4 kmComparable with area EAsphalt road and no rough surfaces as road crossings
Narrow course, approx. 3 m wide
Pedestrians share sidewalk with cyclists

D0.9 kmLower than areas C and E and comparable with area BNo bump spots, wide course, and asphalt road
Pedestrians must share sidewalk with bicycles

E0.6 kmHighestNo bump spots, wide course, and asphalt road