Research Article

Influence of Mobile Payment on Bus Boarding Service Time

Table 1

Descriptions of the variables in regression models.


DependentBSTThe boarding service time1, 2, 3

IndependentCash0The number of passengers paying by cash as their first choice1, 3
IC0The number of passengers paying by IC card as their first choice1
QR0The number of passengers paying by QR code as their first choice1
Cash1The number of passengers paying by cash effectively2
IC1The number of passengers paying by IC card effectively2,3
QR1The number of passengers paying by QR code effectively2
IC-CashThe number of passengers transferring from IC card to cash3
IC-QRThe number of passengers transferring from IC card to QR code3
QR-CashThe number of passengers transferring from QR code to cash3
QR-OnceThe number of passengers paying by QR code as their first choice with only one scanning3
QR-QRThe number of passengers paying by QR code as their first choice with more than one scanning3
DelaysThe number of passengers with delay in calling out QR code3
CrowdednessLevel of in-vehicle crowdedness when buses arrive at stops1, 2, 3

1 represents the first-choice-based model, 2 represents the last-choice-based model, and 3 represents the choice-transfer-based model.