Research Article

A Green Demand-Responsive Airport Shuttle Service Problem with Time-Varying Speeds

Table 1

Parameters and variables in the mathematical model.


Vehicular node (demand point, depot, and airport) index
AFV index
0Airport index

Set of demand points
Set of AFVs
Set of depots

The boarding time per passenger
The average weight of each person
Pick-up time window of demand point ;
The maximum expected ride time of the demand point ;
Number of persons to be picked up at demand point ;
Pick-up time of the demand point , i.e., ;
Maximum capacity of the AFV
Biggest continue voyage course of each AFV ;
Minimum total travel time of the AFV route
Travel distance between the vehicular node and ;
The piecewise function of travel speed between the vehicular node and , related to the time of the AFV visiting demand point ;
The time of the AFV arriving the airport;
The weight of the AFV ;
Fixed use cost of the AFV ;
Penalty fee for early arrival
Penalty fee for late arrival
Unit cost of the fuel
Unit CO2 emission cost
CO2 emission factor
A very large fixed value

Decision variables
Whether the vehicular node precedes vehicular node on the AFV or not;
Whether the vehicular node is visited by the AFV or not;
The time of the AFV arriving at demand point ;
Number of passengers at demand point assigned to the AFV ;
An auxiliary (real) variable for subtour elimination constraint in the AFV ;