Research Article

Detecting Invalid Associations between Fare Machines and Metro Stations Using Smart Card Data

Table 1

Model parameters.

Tensor decompositionOptimal value (potential values)
Number of components (R)8 (1–15)
Optimization algorithm (ALS refers to the alternating least squares algorithm)
Error tolerance1e − 6 (1e − 3–1e − 8)
Maximum number of iterations100 (10, 100, 500, 1000)

Isolation forestValue
Threshold score (the threshold score is calculated with the decision_function in sklearn.IsolationForest package under Python 3.7)0
Number of estimators1000 (200, 500, 1000, 1500)

The number of top stations in P1 reinspection5
Number of hidden layers2 (1–5)
OptimizerAdam (Adam refers to the optimization algorithm proposed in [29])
Number of neurons(16, 5)