Research Article

Compact Sine Cosine Algorithm with Multigroup and Multistrategy for Dispatching System of Public Transit Vehicles

Algorithm 2

Input: Parameters, , , , and
Output: Global optimumand its fitness value
(1) Set the number of groups , each group is ;
(2) initialize , and of each group;
(3) Initialize  = ,  = ;
(4)while t<do
(5)  for i = 1:do
(6)   Get , via equations (8). (9) and (1);
(7)    = compete ( , );
(8)   for i = 1:do
(9)    Update via equations (5), (6);
(10)   end for
(11)   if <then
(12)     = ;  = ;
(13)   end if
(14)   Update and ;
(15)   if rand<0.25 then
(16)    Execute Strategy 1;
(17)   else if rand<0.5 then
(18)    Execute Strategy 2;
(19)   else if rand<0.75 then
(20)    Execute Strategy 3;
(21)   else
(22)    Execute Strategy 4;
(23)   end if
(24)  end for
(25) Change the worst individual to the best individual by the sorting statement;
(26)end while