Review Article

Research on Highway Roadside Safety

Figure 3

Number of publications from different journals. Note: AAP is Accident Analysis & Prevention; IJC is International Journal of Crashworthiness; TIP is Traffic Injury Prevention; TRR is Transportation Research Record; JSR is Journal of Safety Research, IJAT is International Journal of Automotive Technology; TRPF is Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior; PIMEPD is Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering; IP is Injury Prevention; IJIE is International Journal of Impact Engineering; IJICSP is International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion; JTE is Journal of Transportation Engineering; JHTRD is Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development; ITVT is IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; JAT is Journal of Advanced Transportation; SS is Safety Science; JTSS is Journal of Transportation Safety & Security; TRPC is Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies; PO is PLOS One; AMAR is Analytic Methods in Accident Research.