Research Article

Computational Methods for Calculating Multimodal Multiclass Traffic Network Equilibrium: Simulation Benchmark on a Large-Scale Test Case

Algorithm 2

Simulated annealing algorithm.
Result: Inner loop path flow distribution of iteration
Initialization: Set , where denotes the initial temperature;
Set inner loop iteration index to one and ;
    Gas Phase:
    Generate a solution candidate by Randomization method.
    Randomization: users choose their path randomly from the path set;
   else ifthen
    Liquid Phase:
    Generate the first solution candidate by Randomization method; Generate the second and third solution candidates by applying MSA and Gap-based methods to ;
    Solid Phase:
    Generate the first and second solution candidates by applying MSA and Gap-based methods to ;
   Execute traffic simulation in parallel for all candidates;
   Identify the shortest path for all ODs based on the simulation results for each candidate;
   Update based on updated shortest path(s) for all candidates;
   Calculate the solution acceptance probability for each candidate by the following equation:
   where denotes a candidate, denotes the binary decision variable and ;
   Take decision about accepting each candidate to determine ;
   Decrease the temperature by the following formula:
 Set ;
Produce the final solution for the outer loop.