Research Article

Dynamic Automated Search of Shunting Routes within Mesoscopic Rail-Traffic Simulators

Algorithm 1

Computation of the shortest path from SV = {} to FV = {}
(1)function Shortest_Path(↓SV, ↓FV, ↓L, ↑Topol)
(2)Topol ← ∅
(3)correct ← true
(4)Start_Finish_Test(↓SV, ↓FV, ↓L, ↑↓correct) // admissibility of the start/finish vertices
(5)if correct then
(6)  General_Init() // setting initial marks of all vertices
(7)  Start_Finish_Init(↓SV, ↓FV) // initialisation activities related to the start/finish vertices
(8)  Start_Mark(↓SV, ↓L) // remarking of transit successors of the start/finish vertices
(9)  repeat
(10)   if TV ≠ ∅ then
(11)    Vert_Select(↑) // selection of a new current vertex
(12)    if UV ≠ FVthen
(13)     Succ_Mark(, ↓L) // remarking successors of the current vertex
(14)    end
(15)   end
(16)  until (TV = ∅ or UV = FV) // algorithm termination testing
(17)  Get_Path(↑↓Topol) // getting a topology of the shortest path
(20)function Start_Finish_Test(↓SV, ↓FV, ↓L, ↓↑okay)
(21)if (SV = ∅ or FV = ∅) then
(22)  okay ← false
(23)  exit
(25)for each ∈ SVdo
(26)  Get_Indexes(, ↑i, ↑x)
(27)  for each ∈ FVdo
(28)   Get_Indexes(, ↑j, ↑y)
(29)   if (x=y and i ≠ j) then
(30)    okay ← false // inadmissible combination of the start and finish vertices
(31)    exit
(32)   end
(33)   if (ω () < L or κ () < L) then
(34)    okay ← false // inadmissible weights/vacancies of the start/finish vertices
(35)    exit
(36)   end
(37)  end
(40)function General_Init()
(41)for z = 1 to n\2 do // symbol “\” denotes an integer division
(42)  for k = 1 to 2 do
(43)    ← d // initialisation of the row vector of distance marks
(44)    ← none // initialisation of the row vector of marks-predecessors
(45)  end
(47)TV ← ∅
(48)UV ← ∅
(50)function Start_Finish_Init(↓SV, ↓FV)
(51)for each ∈ SVdo
(52)  Get_Indexes(↓, ↑i, ↑x)
(53)  for each ∈ FVdo
(54)   Get_Indexes(, ↑j, ↑y)
(55)   a ← (3 − i)
(56)   b ← (3 − j)
(57)   if SV = FVthen
(58)    XV ← {} // the forbidden vertex is a pair vertex to the start vertex
(59)   else
(60)    XV ← {, } // the forbidden vertex is a pair vertex to the finish vertex
(61)     ← 0 // initialisation of selected distance marks
(62)   end
(63)  end
(66)function Start_Mark(↓SV, ↓L)
(67)for each ∈ SVdo
(68)  for each ∈  () do
(69)   if ( ∉ XVand κ () ≥ L) then
(70)    TV ← TV ∪ {} // insertion of admissible transit successors into the set TV
(71)     ← 0 // initialisation of selected distance marks
(72)     ←  // initialisation of selected marks-predecessors
(73)   end
(74)  end
(77)function Vert_Select()
(78)if TV ≠ ∅ then
(79)  Min_Dist(↓TV, ↑) // selection of a vertex with the lowest distance mark
(80)  TV ← TV − {}
(81)  if ∈ FVthen
(82)   UV ← UV ∪ {}
(83)  end
(86)function Try_Change_Mark(,)
(87)Get_Indexes(, ↑k, ↑z)
(88)Get_Indexes(, ↑l, ↑s)
(89)if >  + ε ([, ]) then
(90)   ←  + ε ([, ]) // remarking of the successor () of the vertex
(91)   ← 
(92)  if ∉ TVthen
(93)   TV ← TV ∪ {}
(94)  end
(97)function Succ_Mark(, ↓L)
(98)for each ∈  ()do
(99)  if ( ∉ XVand κ () ≥ L and κ ()=ω ()) then
(100)   Try_Change_Mark(, ) // potential remarking of the transit successor of
(101)  end
(103)for each ∈ () do
(104)  if ( ∉ XVand κ () ≥ L) then
(105)   Try_Change_Mark(, ) // potential remarking of the reverse successor of
(106)  end
(109)function Get_Path(↑↓Seq)
(110)if UV ≠ ∅ then
(111)  Min_Dist(↓UV, ↑)
(112)  Get_Indexes(, ↑j, ↑y)
(113)  z ← y
(114)  k ← j
(115)  i ← 0
(116)  while ( ≠ none or ∈ SV) do
(117)   Seq ← Seq ∪ {[i, ]} // successive reconstruction of the shortest path topology
(118)   if ∈ SVthen
(119)    exit
(120)   end
(121)   Predecessor(, ↑l, ↑t) // getting a predecessor of the vertex
(122)   z ← t
(123)   k ← l
(124)   i ← i + 1
(125)  end