Research Article

Dynamic Automated Search of Shunting Routes within Mesoscopic Rail-Traffic Simulators

Table 6

Specifications of subprograms/functions.


Shortest_Path(↓SV, ↓FV, ↓L, ↑Topol)The calculation of the shortest path (the graph G)
SV (the set of start vertices)
FV (the set of finish vertices)
L (the length of the relocation object)
Topol (the topology of the shortest path)
Start_Finish_Test(↓SV, ↓FV, ↓L, ↑↓okay)The test of correctness of start and finish vertices
SV (the set of start vertices)
FV (the set of finish vertices)
L (the length of the relocation object)
okay (the test result)
General_Init()The execution of general initialisation activities
The initialisation of the sets TV and UV
The initialisation of the row vectors P and D
Start_Finish_Init(↓SV, ↓FV)The initialisation activities reflecting start vertices and finish vertices
The initialisation of the set XV
The initialisation of the marks ( = 0) related to the start vertices ( ∈ SV)
Start_Mark(↓SV,↓L)The initialisation activities focused on markings of the successors of start vertices
The update of the set TV and the row vectors P and D
Vert_Select()The selection of the vertex (with the current minimal distance mark) for the processing in the next step of the algorithm
The vertex is selected/removed from the set TV
The set UV is potentially updated
Succ_Mark(, ↓L)The potential execution of admissibly rewriting the marks belonging to all successors of the vertex
The potential update of the set TV and the row vectors P and D
Get_Path(↑↓Seq)The delivery of the topology related to the found shortest path
Seq represents a sequence of vertices
Get_Indexes(, ↑i, ↑x)The auxiliary function delivering indexes of a vertex
Min_Dist(↓A, ↑)The auxiliary function identifying a vertex (within a set A) associated with the minimum value of the relevant mark
Try_Change_Mark(, )The auxiliary function potentially rewriting the marks belonging to the successor (the vertex ) of the vertex
The potential update of the set TV and the row vectors P and D
Predecessor(, ↑l, ↑t)The auxiliary function delivering indexes related to a predecessor () of the vertex (on the relevant shortest path)