Research Article

ORCLSim: A System Architecture for Studying Bicyclist and Pedestrian Physiological Behavior through Immersive Virtual Environments

Table 4

Cost comparison between the IVE and naturalistic studies.

CostIVEReal road test

Environment building$3,500Thousands to millions for road reconstruction
Additional bicycle components$1,200 (Wahoo Kickr Climb + Wahoo Kickr Headwind + Wahoo Kickr Smart Trainer + ANT+)Smartphone + software ($500)
Headset$1,500 (HTC VIVE Pro EYE)>$10,000 (eye tracking glasses like SMI or Smart Eye Pro)
Cameras$50 (2 web cameras, $25 each)$700 (2 GoPros, $350 each)
Eye tracking softwareFree (Tobii Pro Unity SDK + self-developed code)$1,300 per year (iMotion academic)
Video recording and integrationFree (open-sourced OBS studio)Video integration requires a lot of label work
Safety concernsVery lowPotential risk to researchers and participants in the real road environment