Research Article

Positioning a Handshake Bay for Twin Stacking Cranes in an Automated Container Terminal Yard Block

Algorithm 4

Decoding scheme based on crane priorities.
 Step 1 Initialize
 Step 2 Select the bays between and to form a candidate bay set . Use to index the jth element in
 Step 3 For each
  Step 3.1 Let , initialize sequence and , initialize an occupied time set . Use to index the jth element in .
  Initialize two sets and containing the task for prime crane and split task for cooperative
  Step 3.2 Sort in descending order, and insert into sequentially.
  Step 3.3 Calculate according to .
  Step 3.4 Insert the occupied time of each split task at handshake bay into
  Step 3.5 Sort in descending order, and insert into sequentially.
  Step 3.6 Calculate according to
  Step 3.7 Set
  Step 3.8 If
  End If
  Step 3.9 End For
 Step 4 Output