Research Article

Truck and Unmanned Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows: A Satellite Synchronization Perspective

Table 1

Studies that are related to intersatellite synchronization.

ReferencesTruckTruck and UVUV capacityTime windowObjective and model

Murray and Chu [6]; de Freitas and Penna [7, 8]; Dell’Amico et al. [9]; Agatz et al. [11]; Es Yurek and Ozmutlu [12]; Ha et al. [13, 14]; Jeong et al. [10]; and Marinelli et al. [15]11 : 1OneMin makespan, time, or costs; MILP
Poikonen and Golden [16] and Gonzalez-R et al. [17]11 : 1ManyMin makespan; MIP
Poikonen and Golden [23]11 : nManyMin makespan; MILP
Murray and Raj [18]; Moshref-Javadi et al. [19, 20]; Salama and Srinivas [21]; and Dell’Amico et al. [22]11 : nOneMin makespan, time, or costs; MILP
Sacramento et al. [26] and Euchi and Sadok [27]m1 : 1OneMin time or costs; MILP
Di Puglia Pugliese and Guerriero [28] and Das et al. [29]m1 : 1OneMin distance or costs; MIP
Wang et al. [24] and Schermer et al. [25]m1 : nOneMin makespan; MILP
Kitjacharoenchai et al. [30]m1 : nManyMin makespan; MILP
Li et al. [31]m1 : nManyMin costs; MILP
This paperm1 : 1ManyMin costs; MILP

Note. “✓” denotes that the factor is considered. “MIP” denotes mixed-integer programming. “MILP” denotes mixed-integer linear programming.