Research Article

An Effective Approach to Promote Air Traveler Repurchasing Using the Random Forest Algorithm: Predictive Model Design and Utility Evaluation

Table 1

The definitions of 28 feature variables.


Cust_typeMembership level (1–5); ranging from 1 (lowest level) to 5 (highest level) with the midpoint 3 (general level);
StatusAccount status (0–2); elapsed: 0; slumber: 1; active: 2;
Is_lyregIs it a member account; nonmember: 0; member: 1;
Ly_statusWhether the member account is activated; nonactivated: 0; activated: 1; very active: 2
GenderUser gender; female: 0; male: 1;
Card_provinceProvince where the user ID is located;
Tel_provinceProvince where the user's mobile phone is located;
Order_buy_zhWhether to buy economy class tickets; noneconomy class: 0; economy class: 1;
Order_languageThe language preference of air tickets orders;
First_buy_diffDifference between first purchase date and registration date;
Last_diffDays between last two purchases;
Last_amountThe amount paid for the last purchase;
Flight_mileTotal flight distance;
Order_num_m24Number of orders paid in the last 24 months;
Order_num_m12Number of orders paid in the last 12 months;
Order_num_m6Number of orders paid in the last 6 months;
Order_num_m3Number of orders paid in the last 3 months;
Order_num_d30Number of orders paid in the last 1 month;
Tkt_fee_allTotal payment;
Tkt_fee_m12Total payment amount in the last 12 months;
Tkt_fee_m6Total payment amount in the last 6 months;
Tkt_fee_d30Total payment amount in the last 1 month;
Avg_daydiffAverage purchase frequency;
Avg_tktdiscountAverage discount;
Avg_tktfeeAverage ticket price;
User_typeType of membership (general member, silver member, gold member);
User_cycleMember's life cycle;
Order_num_allTotal payment orders;