Research Article

Hierarchical Vehicle Scheduling Research on Tide Bicycle-Sharing Traffic of Autonomous Transportation Systems

Algorithm 1

NGA for scheduling optimisation.
Input: SchedulingArea SA, DistanceMatrix DM
Output: SchedulingRoute SR, SchedulingVehicle SV, DeployedBikes DR
Initialization: Generation Gen= 100, CrossoverRate CR= 0.8, MutationRate MR= 0.2, Population Pop ← ∅, Chromosome CH ← ∅, Fitness Fit=Null,
(1)For all the SA do
(2)Pop ← CH.generate (SA.Encoding)//Randomly Generation for Population (100)
(3)End for
(4)Fit ← Fit.Calculation//Calculate the Fitness
(5)if Fit.change or Gen < 100 then
(6)For all the CH do
(7) Selection
(8)  CH.crossover//Chromosome Crossover
(9)  CH.mutate//Chromosome Mutation
(10)  Pop ← CH.NewGenerate//New Population
(11)  Fit ← Fit.NewCalculation
(12)End for
(13)End if
(14)SR ← CH.Decoding
(15)Return SR, SV, DR