Research Article

Hierarchical Vehicle Scheduling Research on Tide Bicycle-Sharing Traffic of Autonomous Transportation Systems

Table 6

The mapped scheduling results with examples of route one (Table 5).

Scheduling area (5-bit)Routes for scheduling point (7-bit)

WX54C (no. 170)WX54C with 0W, 20, E4, 06, 0C, J8, JB, LJ, NC, BW, BX, 0W
WX4GW (no. 130)WX4GW with 00, 02, 08, PL, 06, 77, 7K, P4, NF, 7M, ZH, YY, N8, P0, PF, PY, PV, PS, ND, JL, P3, PB, N9, 03, JH, PZ, 7B, 78, 7F, 7E, KH, 7U, 7Q, EQ, ZN, EN, 09, Q8,G7, ZQ, GJ, ZK, NB, P8, P9, P5, 01, 04, 2N, U4, FZ, ZV, 0D, 3K, 86, DK, 00
WX5H2 (no. 146)WX5H2 with 5X, 7C, QX, DM, GL, 6M, Y6, F9, 4N, 4J, DS, DT, VC, TY, DC, D3, TZ, ER, G0, G8, 74, UE, UK, GE, 1E, 12, QK, 7D, 75, 77, W2, EP, G9, ZG, 79, 48, 5X