Research Article

Trajectory Simulation of Emergency Vehicles and Interactions with Surrounding Traffic

Table 8

Events identified in fire truck Q8 videos en route to emergency sites.

AngleTimePOV reactionDistanceValue (m)Rel. parameter

Front15:16:54Changed lanesIn front of EMV10
Codriver15:17:11Stopped although light greenTo intersection (POV, EMV)(5, 5)
Rear15:17:15Continued normallyBehind EMV15
Front15:17:27Changed lanesIn front of EMV27
Front15:17:44Changed lanesIn front of EMV40
Front15:17:45Changed lanesIn front of EMV30
Codriver15:17:46Stopped although light greenTo intersection (POV, EMV)(10, 10)
Front15:18:24Changed lanesIn front of EMV30
Front15:18:40Changed lanesIn front of EMV30
Codriver15:18:42Stopped although light greenTo intersection (POV, EMV)(10, 10)
Front15:18:44Crossed although light redIn front of EMV10
Codriver15:18:47Changed lanesIn front of EMV40
Rear15:18:46Returned to original laneBehind EMV15
Front15:19:23Stopped although light greenTo intersection (POV, EMV)(10, 20)
Front15:20:34Crossed w/out the right of wayIn front of EMV15