Journal of Advanced Transportation

Models for the Theory and Practice of Carbon Neutrality and Green Transportation

Publishing date
01 Apr 2022
Submission deadline
10 Dec 2021

Lead Editor

1Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

2Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

3University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK

Models for the Theory and Practice of Carbon Neutrality and Green Transportation


Carbon Neutrality was first proposed in 1997 by the UK's Future Forests as a business planning concept that focuses on pathways to Carbon Neutrality from an energy technology perspective in areas such as transport, tourism, family life and personal behaviour. It offsets carbon emissions by buying certified carbon credits. The British Standards Institute further defines carbon neutrality as a phenomenon in which a product (or service) does not cause a net increase in greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere over its life cycle. Carbon neutrality is a voluntary behaviour that emphasizes the transformation of economic structure and energy structure. Moreover, it includes the need to accelerate innovative application of low-carbon and zero-carbon technologies, focusing on energy conservation and energy efficiency. In addition, carbon neutrality emphasizes on accelerating the application of renewable energy, expanding the construction of forests and carbon sinks, and promoting the balance between greenhouse gas emissions and absorption of the earth. Green transportation is the only way to achieve a healthy and sustainable urban transportation system. Its development goal is a complete and unified combination of accessibility and order, safety, and comfort, as well as low energy consumption and low pollution. It focuses on the efficiency and durability of the transportation system. The green development of transportation and the improvement of environmental quality, especially the improvement of atmospheric environment quality, are closely related to the path of low carbon and carbon neutrality.

The transportation sector accounts for nearly 60 percent of oil consumption. Under the background of carbon neutrality, the exploration and practice of traditional fossil energy transformation in the field of transportation has become an important part of green transportation. Under the new environment and economic situation, how can the automobile industry and petroleum and petrochemical industry form a new community of common destiny? Where is the boundary and growth point of the industrial chain of traditional energy and chemical enterprises? When the hydrogen energy business model is not developed enough, how can we prevent blind expansion and promote high-quality development of the transportation industry? The transportation industry can effectively control carbon emissions and ensure carbon neutrality through clean energy substitution, transportation structure adjustment, transportation technology innovation, and green transportation concept guidance. Green transportation supervision is also a research issue that needs to be resolved.

This Special Issue aims to collect original research and review articles that discuss modelling challenges that are relevant to the theories and practices of carbon neutrality and green transportation. We especially welcome quantitative studies which provide theoretical and/or practical implications.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Modern vehicle and green transportation optimization problems
  • Data-driven approaches in green transportation
  • The influencing factors of green transportation
  • Complexity in green transportation
  • Passenger systems optimization
  • Internet of things technology in carbon neutrality
  • Advances in optimization models
  • Algorithms and platforms for green transportation management
  • Application of big data and artificial intelligence for carbon neutrality and green transportation
  • System dynamics model of carbon neutrality
Journal of Advanced Transportation
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Acceptance rate22%
Submission to final decision126 days
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