Journal of Advanced Transportation

Advances in Traffic Safety Methodologies and Technologies

Publishing date
03 Nov 2017
Submission deadline
16 Jun 2017

Lead Editor

1University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

2Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China

3Central South University, Changsha, China

4Traffic Engineering, Inc., Houston, USA

5Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Advances in Traffic Safety Methodologies and Technologies


Traffic safety represents a significant challenge for current, transitional, and future transportation systems, where the advanced communication and automation systems within vehicles and in the road infrastructure might interfere with the driving behavior of individual vehicles and raise concerns regarding the implications on safety. Developing better traffic safety methodologies, strategies, and policies is of practical importance to reduce traffic crashes and improve transportation system operations and might lead to a mitigation of congestion, together with a reduction of traffic-related air pollution. Enabled by emerging vehicle, sensing, and control technologies, Smart City research initiatives, big data analytics, and recent advances in driving experiments, traffic safety research will greatly enhance our scientific understanding of the new interactions and phenomena between conventional, connected, and automated vehicles. In addition, the innovative data sources and increasing computing capabilities provide a great potential to extend the application of advanced methodologies in traffic safety research. Advances in traffic safety modeling, simulation, and management will play a critical role to address the competitiveness, sustainability, and mobility issues of current, transitional, and future transportation systems.

In this special issue, we invite researches to submit solid contributions dealing with crucial aspects of current, transitional, and future traffic safety issues, with particular emphasis on the implications of advanced vehicle communication and automation technologies. The special issue also welcomes scientific research that develops and refines methodologies and technologies using new sources of data, such as data from naturalistic driving, connected vehicles, social media, and smart phones.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Safety implications and evaluation of advanced driving assistance systems
  • Data-driven traffic safety monitoring, assessment, and improvement
  • Methodological advancement in traffic safety modelling
  • Current, transitional, and future dynamic traffic network simulation
  • Safety performance assessment between conventional, connected, and automated vehicles
  • Innovative traffic safety data collection, analyzing, and molding using advanced technologies
  • Advanced traffic safety management strategies and policies
Journal of Advanced Transportation
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Acceptance rate22%
Submission to final decision126 days
Acceptance to publication18 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.480
Impact Factor2.3
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