Review Article

Developing the US Wildland Fire Decision Support System

Table 2

Geospatial data layers in WFDSS. Available geospatial data layers range from national to local scales and include base layers, fuels, administrative references, values (natural resources and infrastructure), user-specified, and fire-related data. Examples of each category are provided with a short description. Extent refers to the spatial scale of the data set.

CategoriesExample layersExtentDescription

Base layersTopographicNationalTopographic maps at various scales depending on the zoom level
Google ProductsNationalGoogle Physical and Maps showing shaded relief or remotely sensed imagery

FuelsLANDFIRENationalContinuous, national-scale coverage of surface and canopy fuels and elevation, slope, and aspect used for the fire behavior analyses

Administrative referencesCountiesNationalCounty boundaries within states of the US
Designated areasRegionalFederal government areas with a special designation, such as, wilderness areas, research areas
Major roadsNationalUS interstate, highway, and major streets
Administrative boundariesNationalProclaimed federal agency boundaries in the US
FMU data layerRegionalFire management unit (FMU) areas from the land/resource/fire management plans of the local field unit
Geographic Area BoundaryNationalBoundaries of the geographic areas, interagency regions for mobilization of fire-fighting resources
Responsible agencyRegionalState or federal agency responsible for fire suppression
Surface management agencyRegionalFederal agency that manages land resources for a particular area

Values-natural resourcesSage grouse key habitatRegionalSage grouse areas (potentially a federally protected species)
Class I airshed boundaryNationalAreas of federally protected air quality in the US
Ozone and particulate nonattainment areasNationalAreas where existing air pollution exceeds standards
Range allotmentsRegionalPastures and allotments for livestock grazing
Critical habitatRegionalCritical habitat for Threatened and Endangered species

Values-infrastructureOil and gas leasesRegionalOil and gas agreements and leases on federal lands
Federal buildingsRegionalAll structures on federally managed lands
Building clustersRegionalCounty records of structures, representing one or more buildings or homes
Communication towersNationalCommunication points recognized by the federal regulating communications agency (FCC)
Mines layerNationalLocations of mines on federal lands
Distribution linesNationalPipelines of oil, natural gas, and power transmission lines
Power stations and plantsNationalElectric substations (subsidiary electric stations) and power plants

User-specified, incident and analysisFire perimetersLocalFire perimeters obtained on the fire with any collection method. Can be uploaded or hand drawn on the WFDSS map pages
Planning featuresLocalPoints, lines, or polygons that will affect management decisions (i.e., fuel treatments, cultural sites)
Analysis featuresLocalFire ignitions, barriers to fire growth, or masks where fuel model changes occur

Fire-related intelligenceRAWS stationsNationalRemote automated weather station locations with links to current observations
National digital forecast databaseNationalFive km grid of the national seven day weather forecast updated hourly; used for fire danger products and fire behavior analyses
Historic fire perimetersRegionalUS fire perimeters larger than 40.5 ha from 2000–2010, including Hawaii and Alaska
Current year fire perimetersWFDSSAggregate of the most current individual fire perimeters contained in WFDSS
Active MODISNationalRemotely sensed infrared signatures updated twice daily at 1 km resolution
IncidentsWFDSSLocation of fire incidents contained within WFDSS