Research Article

Breast Cancer Pathology, Receptor Status, and Patterns of Metastasis in a Rural Appalachian Population

Table 1

Clinical features and metastatic distribution of patient population.

No metastases at followup
Distant metastases value

Age at diagnosis* 0.038
 <50156 (26.3)17 (40.5)21 (39.6)0.028
 ≥50436 (73.7)25 (59.5)32 (60.4)
BMI (kg/m2) 0.642
 <25131 (27.4)5 (15.2)16 (35.6)0.351
 25–29.9164 (35.1)14 (42.4)13 (28.8)
 ≥30175 (37.5)14 (42.4)16 (35.6)
 Missing data12298
Tumor size (cm) <0.0001
 T1 <2 292 (52.5)10 (29.4)8 (17.8)<0.0001
 T2 2–5 222 (39.9)13 (38.2)18 (40.0)
 T3 >542 (7.6)11 (32.4)19 (42.2)
 Missing data3688
Tumor grade
 173 (14.2)1 (2.5)3 (6.0)0.0002
 2175 (34.1)12 (30.0)7 (14.0)
 3265 (51.7)27 (67.5)40 (80.0)
 Missing data7923
Lymph node
 (i) Positive124 (21.5)16 (39.0)27 (50.9)<0.0001
 (ii) Negative453 (78.5)25 (61.0)26 (49.1)

Means are presented with standard errors.
Lymph node status not available in 16 cases.
Means without the same superscript are significantly different.