Research Article

A Population-Based Study of Childhood Cancer Survivors’ Body Mass Index

Table 4

Relative Risks (RR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (95% CI) of BMI outcomes for survivors by age at diagnosis, race, and treatment therapy.

Main analysesa,cSecondary analysisb,c
Underweight Overweight/obese Obese
RR95% CI -valueRR95% CI -valueRR95% CI -value

 Diagnosis age
  16–20 (ref)111
  Other (ref)111
  White, Non-Hispanic1.091.04–1.150.0010.950.75–1.210.671.111.04–1.190.002
 Cancer therapy
  Surgery (ref) 111
  None or not documented1.000.95–1.060.891.080.93–1.250.320.930.85–1.020.14
  Chemotherapy + radiation1.010.96–1.070.671.150.99–1.340.060.970.88–1.070.62
  Chemotherapy + surgery1.080.94––1.270.610.900.84–0.960.001
  Radiation + surgery1.010.90–1.130.871.170.95–1.420.131.180.98–1.410.08
  Chemotherapy + radiation + surgery1.110.95–1.300.190.950.78–1.160.610.980.88–1.090.68

 Diagnosis age
  16–20 (ref)111
  Other (ref)111
  White, Non-Hispanic0.940.80–1.100.440.940.72–1.220.641.030.93–1.280.79
 Cancer therapy
  Surgery (ref) 111
  Not documented/no treatment1.030.97––1.190.881.090.94–1.260.23
  Chemotherapy + radiation0.990.94–1.040.710.910.78––1.090.59
  Chemotherapy + surgery0.990.94–1.040.741.010.85–1.200.931.000.87–1.140.98
  Radiation + surgery0.970.93––1.210.831.010.84–1.220.92
  Chemotherapy + radiation + surgery0.960.93––1.290.571.050.89–1.240.55

Main analyses include two models; the first model compared underweight to all other BMI categories. The second model compared overweight/obese as one category to all other BMI categories.
bSecondary analysis model compared obese to all other BMI categories.
cModels included both main effects and an interaction term for continuous birth year and categorical age at BMI and were adjusted for year at BMI measurement.
Bold indicates significant at .