Research Article

Serum IGFBP-2 and Risk of Atypical Hyperplasia of the Breast

Table 1

Serum levels of IGFBP-2 by case-control status and levels of other variables.

Mean serum IGFBP-2 (IQR) in casesMean serum IGFBP-2 (IQR) in controls

All subjects 275211.4 (147.9–315.7)275225.0 (149.7–347.9)
 Normal (<25 kg/m2)90315.5 (193.1–427.6)79320.5 (187.9–433.0)
 Overweight/obese (≥25 kg/m2)184176.7 (135.3–257.4)195198.6 (137.4–297.3)
< 0.001
HT Use
 Nonusers of HT139244.7 (147.1–341.0)160241.5 (174.8–376.4)
 Unopposed estrogen62191.9 (143.7–315.4)59158.3 (127.0–311.4)
 Progestin + estrogen74187.4 (148.8–262.9)56191.9 (140.9–296.7)
= 0.04 = 0.004
History of diabetes
 No259219.6 (148.5–317.3)258229.8 (152.9–360.1)
 Yes16185.0 (124.8–273.1)17157.7 (139.6–193.1)
= 0.33 = 0.01
Age at baseline
 <Median (62 yrs)140189.5 (136.5–284.1)137187.9 (136.8–281.7)
 ≥Median (62 yrs)135246.3 (153.0–339.6)138277.9 (180.4–400.0)
= 0.01 < 0.001
 White238219.9 (149.5–328.5)238232.0 (154.7–362.8)
 Black22145.6 (110.2–264.7)22181.1 (126.7–246.5)
 Other15235.7 (153.0–283.5)15187.6 (145.8–347.9)
= 0.08 = 0.05
Smoking status
 Never134214.8 (150.1–338.7)149235.8 (156.5–364.4)
 Ever141211.4 (144.0–309.5)126205.0 (147.4–311.4)
= 0.40 = 0.24