
Mass loss and thermometric methods have been used to study the corrosion inhibitory effect of synthesised Schiff's bases viz. N-(furfurilidine) – 4- methoxy aniline (SB1), N-(furfurilidine) – 4- methylaniline (SB2), N-(salicylidine) – 4- methoxy aniline (SB3), N-(cinnamalidine) – 4 –methoxy aniline (SB4) and N-(cinnamalidine) - 2-methylaniline (SB5) on mild steel in sulphuric acid solutions. Results show that both methods have good agreement with each other and inhibition efficiency depends upon the concentration of inhibitor as well as that of acid. Maximum inhibition efficiency is shown at highest concentration of Schiff's bases at the highest strength of acid.