Research Article

Evaluation of Electronic Effects in the Solvolyses of p-Methylphenyl and p-Chlorophenyl Chlorothionoformate Esters

Table 2

Correlations of the specific rates of solvolysis of 18 using the extended Grunwald-Winstein equation (1).

Substrate 𝑛 a 𝑙 b 𝑚 b 𝑐 b 𝑅 c 𝐹 d 𝑙 / 𝑚 Mechanism

1 e 91.88 ± 0.280.56 ± 0.150.38 ± 0.150.950283.36A-E
180.34 ± 0.050.93 ± 0.09−2.54 ± 0.340.955770.37S N1
2 f 491.66 ± 0.050.56 ± 0.030.15 ± 0.070.9805682.96A-E
3 e 310.69 ± 0.050.95 ± 0.030.18 ± 0.050.9875210.72S N1
4 g 161.74 ± 0.170.48 ± 0.070.19 ± 0.230.946553.62A-E
60.62 ± 0.080.92 ± 0.11−2.29 ± 0.130.983440.67S N1
5 h 221.32 ± 0.130.39 ± 0.08−0.02 ± 0.100.952953.38A-E
613i1.63 ± 0.310.46 ± 0.100.30 ± 0.120.881173.54A-E
7j0.45 ± 0.131.07 ± 0.14−2.25 ± 0.200.986690.42S N1
713i1.79 ± 0.160.45 ± 0.07−0.05 ± 0.090.966693.98A-E
8 k 101.76 ± 0.280.54 ± 0.150.34 ± 0.150.943283.26A-E
50.53 ± 0.180.89 ± 0.18−2.66 ± 0.350.967150.60S N1

a 𝑛 is the number of solvents. b W ith associated standard error. c C orrelation coefficient. d 𝐹 -test value. e V alues taken from [26, 27]. f V alues taken from [25, 26]. g V alues taken from [28]. h V alues taken from [49]. i E xcluding the data points in aqueous HFIP, aqueous TFE, and 80T-20E in regression calculations. j U sing only the data points in aqueous HFIP, aqueous TFE, and 80T-20E in regression calculations. k V alues taken from [40].