Research Article

Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and DFT Calculations of 1,3-Diisobutyl Thiourea

Table 1

Crystal data and structure refinement.

Crystal parameterValue

Empirical formulaC9H20N2S
Formula weight188.34
Temperature296 K
Wavelength0.71073 Å
Crystal systemMonoclinic
Space groupP21/c
Unit cell dimensions11.5131(4) Å
9.2355(3) Å
11.3093(5) Å
Volume1185.78(8) Å3
Mu0.232 mm−1
, density 4, 1.055 g cm−3
(0, 0, 0)416.0
(, , ) min(−13, −9, −13)
(, , ) max(13, 11, 13)
Correction methodMultiscan
Theta (max)25.250
(reflection)0.0716 (1637)
0.2021 (2145)
Data completeness1.000
Goodness of fit1.053