Research Article

Mercury and Organic Matter Concentrations in Lake and Stream Sediments in relation to One Another and to Atmospheric Mercury Deposition and Climate Variations across Canada

Figure 11

(a) Projected atmospherically derived gains (2) of sediment THg mapped from low (green) to high (red), based on (4), (5), and (6) estimates for LOI (%) and annual net atmospheric Hg deposition as predictor variables. Overlaid dots: the corresponding estimates per NTS tile, using (2), (5), and (6) in combination with the mean GSC-surveyed LOI values. (b) Close-ups for the Hg gains in lake sediments across Manitoba to Alberta (top) and in stream sediments across southwestern Quebec (bottom), overlaid on a hill-shaded digital elevation grid also showing the extent of low-lying and generally wet areas next to lakes and streams (shaded green).