Research Article

Determination of 2-Propenal Using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled to Gas Chromatography–Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry as a Marker for Authentication of Unrefined Sesame Oil

Table 6

Linear regression equation, correlation coefficient, linear range, limits of detection, and quantification of the developed methods for 2-propenal extraction.

Extraction conditionsLinear regression equationLinear range (µg mL−1)LOD (µg mL−1)LOQ (µg mL−1)

Corn oil  
(: 55°C, : 15 min, : 15 min)
Soybean oil  
(: 55°C, : 25 min, : 15 min)

-Propenal standard was extracted using a CAR/PDMS fiber under optimal conditions for corn or soybean oil samples; LOD: limits of detection; LOQ: limits of quantification.