Research Article

Contact Toxicity and Repellency of the Essential Oil from Bupleurum bicaule Helm against Two Stored Product Insects

Table 3

Percent repellency (PR) of the essential oil from Bupleurum bicaule and its constituents against Lasioderma serricorne adults at 2 h and 4 h after exposure. Comparison of different samples at the same concentration, df = 5.

TimesTreatmentsConcentrations (nL/cm2)

2 hEssential oil100 ± 074 ± 1270 ± 1266 ± 1138 ± 4
-Bisabolene90 ± 612 ± 934 ± 1510 ± 1656 ± 12
1,4-Dimethoxy-2-tert-butylbenzene62 ± 1140 ± 1334 ± 156 ± 1214 ± 12
Bornyl acetate74 ± 12−28 ± 19−4 ± 17−4 ± 9−36 ± 17
(2E,4E)-2,4-Nonadienal56 ± 1266 ± 204 ± 1916 ± 1760 ± 10
DEET88 ± 776 ± 1428 ± 720 ± 1416 ± 7

4 hEssential oil100 ± 062 ± 1524 ± 1928 ± 1912 ± 18
β-Bisabolene88 ± 1226 ± 1724 ± 1114 ± 1734 ± 18
1,4-Dimethoxy-2-tert-butylbenzene46 ± 2032 ± 934 ± 17−4 ± 1628 ± 4
Bornyl acetate68 ± 13−4 ± 1214 ± 12−8 ± 18−18 ± 11
(2E,4E)-2,4-Nonadienal50 ± 1972 ± 912 ± 18−14 ± 1632 ± 19
DEET98 ± 278 ± 958 ± 1656 ± 1446 ± 7

Different letters in the same column (2 h and 4 h, resp.) mean significant differences () in ANOVA and Tukey’s tests. PR was subjected to an arcsine square-root transformation before analysis.