Research Article

Sulphur and Nitrogen Fertilization as a Potential Means of Agronomic Biofortification to Improve the Content and Uptake of Microelements in Spring Wheat Grain DM

Table 3

Chemical characteristics of the soil (before sowing).

SpecificationMethod of analysisUnit of measureYear 1 (2009)2 (2010)3 (2011)

pH (0.01 mol/L CaCl2)Potentiometry with a methrohm-605 pH-meter5.65.75.8
C-totalCombustion by LECO EC-12®g/kg9.28.97.7
N-totalBy Kjeldahl’s method0.90.90.7
N minN-NO3 + N-NH4 × 1.38 (soil bulk density, mg/m3) (PN-R-04038:1997)kg/ha72.868.464.9
P-availableDouble lactate extraction and measurement by colorimetric assay by using the Egner Riehm DL method (PN-R-04023:1996)mg/kg54.553.548.3
K-availableExtraction: see above phosphorus and measurement by the photometric method (PN-R-04022:1996)88.685.279.6
Mg-availableExtraction by 0.0125 m/L CaCl2 and measurement by AAS (PN-R-04020-1994)34.833.735.1
S-totalBy ICP-AES mineralization with HNO3 + Mg(NO3)2102.886.372.0
S-SO4-availableExtraction with 0.025 m/L KCl and measurement by ion chromatography14.212.610.3