Research Article

Administration of Vitamin D Metabolites Affects RNA Expression of Xenobiotic Metabolising Enzymes and Function of ABC Transporters in Rats

Table 5

RNA expression in the kidney of rats treated with different vitamin D metabolites normalized to GAPDH.

(0.5 μg/kg body weight, administered intraperitoneally once, 12 h before sacrifice)
(6 μg/kg body weight, administered daily by oral gavage for 10 days)
Vitamin D3
(300 μg/kg body weight, administered intramuscularly, once 10 days before sacrifice)

VDR1.488 ± 0.135
(1 ± 0.066)
0.833 ± 0.076
(1 ± 0.072)
0.775 ± 0.075
(1 ± 0.089)
PXR0.804 ± 0.063
(1 ± 0.048)
0.905 ± 0.082
(1 ± 0.075)
0.729 ± 0.092
(1 ± 0.068)
CYP24A132.28 ± 5.041
(1 ± 0.276)
1.292 ± 0.464
(1 ± 0.464)
1.958 ± 0.530
(1 ± 0.202)
CYP27B10.187 ± 0.026
(1 ± 0.152)
1.034 ± 0.264
(1 ± 0.368)
0.429 ± 0.104
(1 ± 0.558)
MDR1a1.240 ± 0.078
(1 ± 0.082)
1.295 ± 0.142
(1 ± 0.147)
0.653 ± 0.065
(1 ± 0.345)
MDR1b0.915 ± 0.147
(1 ± 0.253)
1.227 ± 0.366
(1 ± 0.205)
1.193 ± 0.291
(1 ± 0.157)

Means ± SEM of respective control groups set to 1 are given in brackets; asterisks indicate significant differences between treatment and control groups; , .