Research Article

Administration of Vitamin D Metabolites Affects RNA Expression of Xenobiotic Metabolising Enzymes and Function of ABC Transporters in Rats

Table 6

RNA expression in the liver of rats treated with different vitamin D metabolites normalized to β-actin.

(0.5 μg/kg body weight, administered intraperitoneally once, 12 h before sacrifice)
(6 μg/kg body weight, administered daily by oral gavage for 10 days)
Vitamin D3
(300 μg/kg body weight, administered intramuscularly, once 10 days before sacrifice)

VDR1.398 ± 0.198
(1 ± 0.092)
1.014 ± 0.204
(1 ± 0.184)
1.000 ± 0.190
(1 ± 0.198)
PXR0.666 ± 0.096
(1 ± 0.120)
0.889 ± 0.137
(1 ± 0.211)
0.950 ± 0.094
(1 ± 0.161)
CYP3A91.157 ± 0.235
(1 ± 0.196)
0.983 ± 0.064
(1 ± 0.122)
1.223 ± 0.119
(1 ± 0.104)
CYP3A180.661 ± 0.094
(1 ± 0.097)
0.789 ± 0.071
(1 ± 0.118)
1.115 ± 0.175
(1 ± 0.074)
CYP3A621.087 ± 0.183
(1 ± 0.084)
0.875 ± 0.089
(1 ± 0.135)
1.166 ± 0.119
(1 ± 0.062)
MDR1a0.828 ± 0.099
(1 ± 0.139)
0.946 ± 0.107
(1 ± 0.102)
1.218 ± 0.149
(1 ± 0.158)
MDR1b1.398 ± 0.254
(1 ± 0.222)
0.813 ± 0.097
(1 ± 0.230)
1.437 ± 0.256
(1 ± 0.152)

Means ± SEM of respective control groups set to 1 are given in brackets; asterisks indicate significant differences between treatment and control groups; .