Research Article

Immobilization of Purified Pectin Lyase from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus onto Magnetic Carboxymethyl Cellulose Nanoparticles and Its Usability in Food Industry

Table 3

Degradation rates of dry matter in fruits control, treated with free and immobilized pectin lyase (PNL) enzyme.

Fruit (10 g)Dry weightIncreasing volume (mL)%C
ControlFree PNLImmobilized PNLControlFree PNLImmobilized PNL
DW (g)%DDW (g)%DDW (g)%D

Black plum0.1911.90.09710.0870.
Black grape0.1781.80.1601.60.1261.

DW: dry weight; D%: decrease rate; %C: clarification rate.