Research Article

Adsorption of Thymol onto Natural Clays of Morocco: Kinetic and Isotherm Studies

Table 2

Vibration bands of the Rh-P and Rh-CTAB.

Vibration frequencies (cm−1)Functions

3680Stretching vibration of N–H groups
34393416Stretching vibration of hydroxyl O–H
2927 and 2855Symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of C–H in CH2 and CH3
16321632Vibration deformation of the H–OH water molecules
14461464Vibrations due to the presence of carbonates and C–H deformation vibration of Rhassoul modified
10241024Stretching vibration of silica Si–O–Si
884880Bending vibration (CO3) and Al2OH
676 and 468672 and 471Vibration deformation of Si–O–Si