Research Article

Yoghurt Production Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Leguminous Seeds and Effects of Encapsulated Lactic Acid Bacteria on Bacterial Viability and Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Yoghurt

Table 4

Encapsulation efficiency (%EE) of starter culture at different encapsulation conditions.

Na-alginate% (%)Core to wallLCCPCBCBBBBB

210 : 2083,53 ± 0,23aAB85,28 ± 0,87aB83,89 ± 0,33aAB81,93 ± 1,58aAB79,61 ± 066aA
10 : 4082,41 ± 0,18bBC83,6 ± 0,77aC81,39 ± 0,53bB82,26 ± 0,79aB77,96 ± 0,90aA

310 : 2083,68 ± 0,87aCD86,3 ± 0,2aD83,9 ± 1,88aCD81,43 ± 1,20aBC80,89 ± 1,94aA
10 : 4082,52 ± 0,83aA85,56 ± 1aB81,24 ± 2,62aA80,06 ± 0,23aA80,33 ± 1,12aA

Data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). (a-b) Within a column, different superscript lowercase letters denote significant differences () among the core to wall ratio in the same alginate concentration and bacteria. (A−D) Withina line, different supercript uppercase letters denote significant differences () among the different starter culture in the same encapsulation conditions.