Journal of Chemistry

Advanced Nanomaterials for Green Growth

Publishing date
01 Aug 2019
Submission deadline
15 Mar 2019

Lead Editor

1Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam

2Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India

3Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Advanced Nanomaterials for Green Growth


Green and sustainable development is widely recognized as a concept of the modern society. This concept has appeared as a state of society where living conditions and resource-use continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and stability of the natural system. Studies on new and advanced nanomaterials, applied to environmental remediation, energy conversion, energy storage, smart agriculture, etc., are beneficial for green and sustainable development.

Advanced nanomaterials for environment and green growth can help produce cleaner, more efficient, and valuable products to address our present environment related concerns to a more sustainable future. Therefore, studies on applications of advanced nanomaterials for green growth are hot topics in environmental chemistry, which involve the contaminated environment, chemicals that are naturally present, and their effects on the environment through the release of chemicals.

This special issue is directed to cover newly synthesized nanomaterials or existing modified nanomaterials such as visible light-driven photocatalysts, aerogels, zeolites, metal organic frameworks, biopolymers, biocomposites, and other nanomaterials with excellent performance, low cost, outstanding stability, and environmental benefit. The special issue also welcomes articles on applications of advanced nanomaterials for waste water treatment, air purification, energy storage/conversion, CO2 storage/conversion, water splitting, climate change, and global warming mitigation.

The main goal of this issue is to highlight recent advances in this area and provide a platform for future developments of novel multifunctional nanomaterials in design, synthesis, characterization, and their energy-conversion related applications.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Development of nanostructured photocatalytic materials for environmental remediation and green growth
  • Development of catalytic nanomaterials and their applications in green chemical processes
  • Development of adsorbent materials for environmental pollution control
  • Development of nanocomposite and hydrid-nanocomposite materials, multifunctional materials, and their applications in environmental pollution control and green industries
  • Development of advanced materials for effective, environmental-friendly, and sustainable agriculture in accordance with low carbon agriculture orientation
Journal of Chemistry
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate20%
Submission to final decision115 days
Acceptance to publication15 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.400
Impact Factor3.0
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