Research Article

An Efficient Algorithm to Find Broadcast Schedule in Ad Hoc TDMA Networks

Algorithm 1

Outline of broadcast scheduling algorithm.
Input:FSM table of network
Output:  m - Optimum cover
(1)From FSM table of network, generate all compatible (incompatible) pairs;
If (no compatibles){
m set of states ε;
else Find maximal compatibles Ωm and incompatibles Ωi;
(2)Find the tight lower bound L and the bound incompatible ICb;
(3)Form compatible groups CG with respect to ICb;
(4)Let limit = min (|CG1|,100);j=1;Let s1be the first state in ICb;
(5)while (j< limit) {
Include in schedule (j), compatible CjCG(s1);
for (every state siICb where sis1) {
(a)Apply selection criteria and include a compatible CnCG(si) in (j);
(b)for (every state skCn) Increment utility factor μ(sk);}
for (every state sisiε,si(j))
Include in (j) largest cardinality compatible covering the state si;
(6)for (every (j))
compute the performance indices and choose m.